Faith Baptist Church



Nursery/Toddler Ministry

This ministry is so mothers of babies and toddlers can enjoy the services and programs at FBC. Our nurseries are so babies can be babies in the privacy of their own territory, where the baby is safe, appropriate and comfortable.  The Nursery/Toddler ministry cares for babies birth through three years of age during the following times: Sunday @ 9:30AM, 10:50 AM, 5:50 PM, Wednesday @ 6:50 PM

Children's Ministry

The main purpose of the FBC children’s ministry is not to occupy the children’s time. The main purpose is found in Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Teaching, training, preaching, and fun are the thrust of each program geared for children kindergarten through 5th grade.

Sunday School @ 9:45 AM
Children’s Church @ 11:00 AM – Sunday
Master Clubs @ 6:00 PM – Sunday
King’s Kids Choir @ 6:20 – Wednesday
King’s Kids @ 7:00 – Wednesday
​​Junior Activities – Quarterly

Children’s Activities

Thursday – Saturday, July 4-6 – Family Camp at Camp Bear Cliff McKee, KY ($30 per person or $120 per family)

Sunday, August 4 – Back To School Sunday – school supplies for all students at the 11 AM and 6:00 PM services

Wednesday, October 30 – Fall Festival at 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Sunday, November 24 – Thanksgiving Meal following the 11 AM Service

Sunday, December 24 – Happy Birthday Jesus Christmas gifts for every child during the 11 AM service

Teen Ministry

This program is for middle school students through graduating high school seniors (6th-12th grade).
FBC desires to teach basic Biblical principles on Christian living, look for needs and problems of teenagers and give them a scriptural base on how to face life’s adventures.  We also provide an outlet of fun and service oriented activities.

Sunday School @ 9:45 AM
Teen Church @ 11 AM
Teen Soulwinning @ 4:00 PM – Wednesday
Teen Choir @ 6:20 PM – Wednesday
Teens on Target @ 7:00 PM –  The last Wednesday of every month 
Friday Night Activities – Monthly
KYF Meetings – Monthly
Bus Ministry @ 9:30 AM – Saturday

Teen Activities 

Wednesday, July 24, Teens On Target 7 PM

Sunday – Wednesday, July 28-31, God & Country Conference 6:30 PM

Friday, August 2, Splash Conference 7 PM ($5)

Sunday, August 4, Back To School Sunday 11 AM – School supplies for all students

Friday, August 9, Gattitown Activity – Free for all teens who attended the four nights of the God & Country Conference and Splash Conference. ($25)

Wednesday, August 28, Teens On Target 7 PM

Adult Ministries

The adult ministries at FBC desires to develop a clear Biblical vision of our lives, a great faith in God’s word and a spiritual burden to help others.

Sunday School @ 9:45 AM
Choir @ 5:15 PM – Sunday
Men’s, Ladies, College Student & Senior Citizen Ministries – Bi-Monthly meetings & Quarterly activities
Soul winning @ 6:30 PM – Thursday
Bus Ministry @ 9:30 AM – Saturday
Senior Center Service @ 12:10 PM – Wednesday

Church Event Calendar

Sunday, July 28, This is My Country Service – Honoring all public servants military and civilian – 11 AM – Followed by a Steak & Shrimp Dinner

Sunday – Wednesday, July 28-31 – God & Country Conference – 6:30 PM

Super Senior Activities

​Friday,  August 16, Cincinnati Reds Game – $25

Friday, October 18, Fall Trip to Corbin – 4:30 PM

Friday, December 6, Light Up the Fair Christmas Lights Activity – 4:30 PM

Ladies Soul-Sisters Meetings

Tuesday, August 20 – Ladies Meeting – 6:30 PM

Thursday, September 19 – Ladies meeting at Clays Mill Baptist Church Nicholasville, KY

Saturday, October 5 – Ladies Shopping Trip

Friday, December 13 – Ladies Christmas Party

Men’s Prayer Breakfast @ 8:30 AM

Sat – July 27 (9 AM)

Sat – Aug 31

Sat – Sept 28 (9 AM)

Sat – Oct 26 (9 AM)

Sat – Nov 23 (9 AM)

Sat – Dec 21 (9 AM)

Bus Ministry

Many children, teens, and adults are brought to church each week through the bus ministry. Many of these children are underprivileged, and the love of Christ that they receive through the bus ministry is the highlight of their week. This ministry is staffed by volunteer Christians who love people.

If you or someone you know would like to ride one of our busses to church, call our church office at (859) 625-8548

Music Ministry

At Faith Baptist Church, we acknowledge that God created music and we believe it is to be used for the purpose of praising and worshipping God and the edifying of believers through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.

We have many areas we honor God through music: Choirs (Church, Teen & Children), Instrumental and Special Music Ministry.

Camp Ministry

In 2023 a business man willed to our ministry 75 acres of land in Jackson county to start a camp for the Lord’s work. We held our first event in the fall of 2023. In May of this year we held our first Man Camp with 20 men and teen boys in attendance. We have one more event remaining for 2024. With more dates being planned for 2025.

Wednesday – Friday, October 9-11 – Youth Retreat ($25)

Thursday-Saturday, May 2-4, 2025 – Man Camp ($35)

Saturday, July 5, 2025 – Family Day @ Camp Bear Cliff


Throughout the years Faith Baptist has maintained a heart for the world-wide work of God. Faith Baptist currently supports seventy-five missionaries who are taking the gospel of Christ throughout the world. Our goal for 2024 is to give away $100,000 to missionaries here in America and around the world. These missionaries are supported through and sent by local independent Baptist churches. The members of Faith Baptist have made the financial support of global evangelization a high priority. Our Missions Conference for 2024 is scheduled for Friday, November 22nd through Sunday, November 24th.

Outreach Opportunities

Each week our church family goes into the community to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. A vital part of the Great Commission given by Christ in the Scripture is that we saturate our city and surrounding area with the Good News that Jesus saves. There are multiple opportunities to witness and share your faith through the Soul-Winning/Visitation/Mailing ministry of Faith Baptist Church. 

Thursday @ 6:30 PM – Soul-Winning
Saturday @ 9:45 AM – Bus Visitation

Special Meet​ings

Several times a year we have special meetings that have a unique emphasis and purpose to help touch a specific spiritual need that we face in our lives.

God & Country Conference on Sunday, July 28 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024 is a time of focus on the importance of the biblical family life, the need for our faith to be increased in what God can do with our lives, ministry, and country. A time to remind people of the need to defend and stand up for the freedoms we have been given as Americans. This will be a special conference centered around God’s Word and God’s people.  Sunday we will have a steak and shrimp dinner on the grounds following the 11 am service for all public servants and first responders in our community.  ​Sunday night our state Chaplain, Bro. Lee Watts will be preaching during the 6:30 PM service, then Monday – Wednesday Evangelist Chris Dallas will be our guest speaker. He is a faithful servants of God and will be a blessing and help to you and your family.

Spring Revival on Friday, April 11 through Sunday, April 13, 2025 is planned to challenge us to grow in the Lord. We will hear messages from Pastor DeWayne Walker from Lexington, KY that will stir our hearts and motivate us to live our lives for the Lord and to have a closer walk with the Lord.  God’s power is evident during these special services. You will be helped and blessed. 

Homecoming is a special time for renewed acquaintances, sharing memories and looking forward to the work God has in store for us as we celebrate our churches 45th anniversary on Sunday, May 18, 2025.